For many years, Sunday services at Kaipaki Church were every two weeks, led by the Anglicans, Presbyterians, Methodists and other ministries.
However, since July 2019 we now have Worship services every Sunday at 11am. Come and enjoy fellowship with us, followed by a cup of tea or coffee and some morning tea!
We are privileged to have a number of different speakers come and share with us regularly.
(NOTE: We are always prepared for children so please feel free to bring the whole family!)

Walk N Wednesday
Early morning - Early afternoon
Open door to all, enjoy the peaceful calm setting while taking a seat to sit and pray.

Christmas tree goes up
1st December join us 3pm with our local kaipaki school children. Prayer stars available on the day and available throughout December. All are welcome.

Christmas Carols
24th December 7:30pm join us to celebrate Jesus Birth. Live music and Christmas treats